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How Long Does Cottage Cheese Last? Does it Go Bad?

Have you ever been uncertain if the cottage cheese in your fridge was still safe to eat?

Maybe you’re wondering how long it lasts and whether or not it can go bad.

Well, we don’t blame you! It can be confusing trying to determine exactly when old foods become risky and spoiled.

But luckily this guide will provide an answer to all of your questions about storing and consuming cottage cheese, so you can confidently restock or discard with assurance.

What’s Cottage Cheese?

Cottage cheese is a type of fresh cheese made from curdled cow’s milk.

It is usually white or cream-colored, and has a slightly lumpy texture.

Cottage cheese is low in calories and fat, and high in protein.

It is often eaten as a snack or used as a filling in sandwiches and other dishes.

How to Store Cottage Cheese?

Cottage cheese can be stored in the fridge for up to two weeks.

Be sure to keep it in an airtight container to prevent it from drying out.

You can also freeze cottage cheese for up to three months.

When freezing, place it in a freezer-safe container and leave some space at the top to allow for expansion.

Thaw frozen cottage cheese in the fridge overnight before using.

How Long Does Cottage Cheese Last?

Cottage cheese can last for up to two weeks in the fridge, but it is best consumed within a week of opening.

Cottage cheese is a perishable food, so it will start to spoil after a certain amount of time.

The main factor that determines how long cottage cheese will last is its acidity level.

The higher the acidity, the shorter the shelf life.

To extend the shelf life of cottage cheese, you can keep it in the fridge for up to two weeks.

Make sure to store it in an airtight container to prevent it from drying out.

You can also freeze cottage cheese, which will make it last for up to six months.

When freezing, cottage cheese may become crumbly, so it is best used in cooked dishes.

Cottage cheese is a versatile ingredient that can be used in both sweet and savory dishes.

It can be added to pancakes or waffles for a protein-packed breakfast, or used as a topping on salads or baked potatoes.

Cottage cheese can also be used in dips, spreads, and sauces.

Can You Freeze Cottage Cheese?

Yes, cottage cheese can be frozen. In fact, freezing cottage cheese is a great way to extend its shelf life.

Freezing cottage cheese will not change its flavor or texture, so it can be used in recipes just like fresh cottage cheese.

To freeze cottage cheese, first transfer it to an airtight container.

Then, place the container in the freezer.

Cottage cheese can be stored in the freezer for up to two months.

When you’re ready to use it, thaw the cottage cheese in the refrigerator overnight.

So, there you have it.

Freezing cottage cheese is a great way to make it last longer.

Just remember to transfer it to an airtight container before freezing, and thaw it in the refrigerator when you’re ready to use it.

How to Tell If Cottage Cheese is Bad?

Cottage cheese is a delicious and versatile dairy product that can be used in a variety of recipes.

But how do you know if it has gone bad? Here are a few signs to look for:

If the cottage cheese has a sour smell or taste, it has probably gone bad.

Cottage cheese should have a mild, fresh flavor.

If it tastes sour, throw it out.

If the cottage cheese is lumpy or watery, it has also gone bad.

Cottage cheese should be smooth and creamy.

If it is lumpy or watery, it means the bacteria have started to break down the proteins in the cheese.

If you see mold on cottage cheese, throw it out immediately.

Mold can cause serious illness if ingested.

If your cottage cheese passes the above tests, it is probably still good to eat.

However, if you are unsure, err on the side of caution and throw it out.

It’s better to be safe than sorry.


We hope this blog post has helped answer some of your questions about cottage cheese and how long it lasts.

Cottage cheese is a versatile and delicious cheese that can last for several weeks when stored properly.

Be sure to keep it in the fridge, where it will stay fresh for up to two weeks.

You can also freeze cottage cheese to extend its shelf life.

When cottage cheese starts to smell bad or tastes sour, it’s time to throw it out.

How Long Does Cottage Cheese Last? Does it Go Bad?

5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Course Shelf Life
Servings 1 Serving


  • Cottage cheese
  • Air-tight containers or Ziplock bags
  • Labels and markers


  • Store your product in an labelled container in a cool, dark place like the pantry or fridge.
  • If your food is frozen, allow it to thaw in the fridge before cooking.
  • Make sure to look for signs that your food has gone bad before eating it.
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